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Read our blog and access our library of resources

At Unison, we strongly advocate for and believe in education around gender, sexuality and relationship diversity. Whether Unison is right for your life or not, our blog posts and resources are here for you to explore at your own pace. 

All resources have been vetted prior to being added to our list, but as things change and progress in the world around us, changes may be needed. If you have any suggestions for additional resources or concerns about what you see here (or you’d like to just say hi), please reach out to us at

Unison Blog

Meg Wilson

What is Mediation for Relationships?

“Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.” –Rollo May Consensually non-monogamous relationships (CNM) bring a beautiful complexity to the realm of love and connection, but

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Meg Wilson

What is Emotion-focused Therapy?

“The most functional way to regulate difficult emotions in love relationships is to share them.”  ― Sue Johnson Relationships come in all forms and can be both incredibly rewarding and

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More Resources

How to explore ethical non-monogamy

A guide for a safe journey

Poly Friendly Professionals

Directory of poly friendly health professionals

The Gender Centre

Gender diversity education and support

Curious Creatures

Curious Creatures: Towards a world that is sex-positive, more inclusive, and safer.

The Scarlet Alliance

Advocacy and support for the sex worker community

Knot Bound

To provide support services and promote respect, tolerance and social inclusion for people who identify within the BDSM lifestyle and sexuality

ENM publications- Dr. Heath Schechinger

Academic papers

Ethical non-monogamy – an introduction

There are many ways to relate both openly and with integrity. Is ethical non-monogamy for you?

Spectra Counselling

Counselling for nonconformists

Victoria Inclusive practitioners

Driving technology for leading brands
Psychology today